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  • Re: Německé ztráty???

    Njall - Poland 9. 12. 2008 23:39
    From polish dws.org forum i have information about some fights between czech and german troops in 1938.
    Near Srbska Border Post was killed 6 Czech and 1 German soldier
    Near Nove Mesto pod Smrkiem - was killed 5 Czech and 2 German soldiers
    During Czech withdrawal after Munich - in Czech ambush in Izera Mountains was killed 71 Wehrmacht soldiers (i dont't know - is true or mayby false story or mayby myth - i have any source about this ambush)

    Other fights (from Czech pages):
    - 13 Sept. 1938 - Habersbirk (Habartov) - 4 Czech Border Guardsmen KIA, 4 member of Sudetendeutsches Freikorps KIA. Czechs speak, that 13 Sept 1939 was first shots of World War Two.
    - 13-14 Sept. 1938 - Gossengrün (Krajková) - 5 Czech soldiers KIA, 1 German KIA
    - 13 Sept 1938 - Schwaderbach (Bublava) - 2 Czech Border Guardsmen KIA
    - 25 Sept. 1938 - battle in Varnsdorf
    - 26 Sept. 1938 - fight in Krásné Lípy - II battalion from 42 Inf. Regiment (+2 tanks and 3 armoured cars) vs Sudetendeutsches Freikorps (Czech casualties - 3 WIA, German - unknow but probably higher)

    In 1938 was killed probably 68 members of Sudetendeutsches Freikorps and unknow number members of german armed forces.

    14 March 1939 was fight in Frydek on Czech Silesia between Czech and German Soldiers. Czech unit (from 8th Infantry Regiment "Slezsko") had 3-6 WIA, Germans (84th IR from 8th ID) 18 KIA and tens WIA.

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